this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment you want to pause, savor and remember.
“This Moment” is a ritual I found on Life inspired by the Wee Man adopted from SouleMama.
Here's my moment-

This moment- – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words ....Feb 18.
Pictures say a thousand words. Love it :D
WOW! Sensational shot - a pic like that has been known to move a grown twitcher to tears!!
What bird is that?
Nice to see you here again Red.
And hi to Jean.
I'm not sure of the name, got to research it, but I have been going through some shots of birds I took in Ethiopia, and this stands out. This brilliant bird was cleaning up the crumbs off tables at the open sided restaurant we stopped at for lunch near Lake Tana. The birds in Ethiopia are very colorful, brilliant oranges, reds or golds.
A birders paradise country. Couldn't believe the variety they have there.
What a beautiful moment!!! Thank you for sharing it with us.
Oh my, I'm almost speechless with this photo! It's just so beautiful! Nice capture too! You can tell the focus is really on the bird itself. Thank you for sharing Jim...:)
I'm not sure if I have to lead you to my moments but here it is anyway:
That is one fine looking bird!
Cheers A
Jim, you're some photographer!
You captured a good one here.
Loved the vibrant colours of this bird. He seems to be pensive.
I need to know the name of this one.
Joy always,
What a wonder that bird is. No words needed I think
Wow..what an amazing picture! I'm in love with birds and this just made my heart a little lighter this morning! Thanks :)
My moment:
Absolutely breathtaking shot of a stunningly beautiful subject!
That's a gorgeous photo Jim. I've said this to you before, I think, but I really wish the birdlife in Fethiye was more interesting. I've been photographing seagulls this week! :)
Love this pic. . .and birds too! Thanks for sharing!
Nice one Jim,
Now tell the fans that it is a Black-headed (sometimes called Village or Spotted-backed) Weaver. Ploceus cucullatus.
Hey thanks Lily, great and thanks for helping us out with that one.
I'll check out your blog. Looks like you're a birder?
And looks like we'll be travelling together soon :-)!!
Well your run of luck had to run out one day.
Beautiful Beautiful bird. what an awesome shot. How great to be able to watch a bird such as this.
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