The 6.3 Richter earthquake that struck my home town of Christchurch, has caused much devastation and many lives lost.
The latest information is being posted regularly here-
Images you find here- the-latest-pictures-from-the-christchurch-earthquake/
At least 65 dead, others feared trapped or dead in collapsed buildings. People are leaving the city to stay with friends or relatives in other cities or towns. Full extent of missing and injured is not known. Many have had homes trashed, businesses ruined, or jobs lost. Army personnel are deployed, and specialist rescue teams are flying in from Australia, Japan , USA, and Britain.
The rescue work is dangerous as other tall buildings are in danger of collapse.
We have a lot of friends and family affected by this. Thankfully no casualties, but homes are trashed, and jobs affected. The ongoing effects of this upon their lives, already severely stressed throughout the after shocks of the September quake, will last months if not years.
I've prepared a list of agencies where you can assist by donating.
I am amazed at the great camaraderie that exists within the travel blogger fraternity, a true brother/sisterhood of amazing people I have had the joy of becoming part of over the past year. I know that you will all pass on, copy, or spread this post throughout your networks to assist in disaster relief fund raising.
We are personally donating $500 to this appeal.
Where to make a donation-
New Zealand Red Cross Canterbury
The Salvation Army
Global Volunteer Network
Street appeal at The Auckland University Students Association outside its Student Union Building .
These banks are collecting donations.
Any branch of ANZ Bank, - canterbury-earthquake-information/donation-information/
Any branch of National Bank,- canterburyearthquake/donations
Any Westpac branch is collecting for The Salvation Army. nz-earthquake-appeal
And here- earthquake
Any Kiwibank branch -
And let's not forget all the missing and terrified family pets- appeal
Only trained emergency personel are required at this stage.
Keep checking here - Habitat For Humanity will probably organise house building or repair teams later on. This organisation has been instrumental in several disaster rebuilding volunteer projects around the world.
Beware of scam emails. Check out the legitimacy of New Zealand charities here-
Or let me know and I'll check them out.
Thanks everyone. Please share this. Thanks.

Jim, how tragic. How devastating. I saw this on the news today and my heart goes out to all affected by this.
I pray for those still trapped to be rescued.
Thanks for the scam warnings too, and for a list of legitimate charities.
Thanks Debra, truly is heartbreaking for people there. So rather than just talk or blog about the tragedy, I thought the best way to help is to use the network of blogs to highlight those organisations people can donate to if they wish.
Glad you've checked in Jim and we know you and your family are okay. Awful pictures coming through on the news here. Take care and thinking of you all.
Thinking of you all in NZ. It is such a tragedy and thank you for using your platform to help those in need. We will be donating and spreading this as far and wide as we can.
Thanks Caz, you guys at ytravelblog rock!
Good to know that you are safe. Great post. I'm it will help people figure out where they can donate to help those in need right now.
Glad you and your family are safe. Our family who live in Italy went through this a few years ago. It is so important that we help those in situations like this and we will be. Thank You for the list
How tragic, my prayers are for all those who have been affected by this. I'm sharing this post on facebook in hopes that some of my friends will feel compelled to help and send donations to these organizations. I think this was a great post-informative, giving people a way to help.
Jim having now 75 dead and 300 missing, it is a big state of emergency. Thanks for posting this
Hi Jim this is terrible news. So glad to hear that you and your family are safe. Will be spreading the news!
We are all thinking of you as well! My wife and I will also be donating and will pass along your call to action.
Sending prayers to the people affected by this earth quake in New Zealand...tragic
That is a GREAT list of places to donate. I especially appreciate you putting that last link so people can check to make sure a charity is legit!
Thanks everyone. This city is where I grew up, although now we live just north of Wellington, but we both have many family and friends in Christchurch affected by this. I didn't want to do a tear jerker post just to attract readers, but to post something that helps more on a fundamental level. So posting the link, then those agencies to donate to, and asking all my blogging friends to share this around seemed a far better way of helping.
And yes Rachel everyone beware of scams that circulate at these times.
Thanks for posting this list of charities. So sad to see New Zealand affected by this natural disaster!
Thanks so much for posting this. Very helpful with the list of charities. I'll pass it along.
Hi Jim! I've been spreading my prayers, wishes and thoughts for all the people in Christchurch who have gone through this state of devastation... Glad to hear that you and your family are fine... I'll do what I can do, much to help spread out your words... God be with you always! XOXOXO
I really love your post and fellow blogger just join with me
Awful news, but glad to hear your friends and family are safe. Thanks so much for listing out the charities, will pass this along.
Really sorry for that, dear Jim, but life goes on, and their survivors have to reconstruct once again. May their soul rest in peace. Your friend, Carlos from Brazil
We're just heartbroken for your country and hometown, Jim. Everyone is affected by this. It's surreal - we just can't believe it.
Nice to find your blog and I send lots of positive and healing energy to all those affected by this disaster. May all those suffering find peace and may it be resolved as quickly as possible. I'm glad your family is safe and that you've posted this important information. Thank you!
So sad to hear about this but think this post is such a great way to get help to those who need it. Great job!
Thanks for posting this Jim! The devastation there is unbelievable. I just watched something tonight about technology to help predict earthquakes in the future. While we can't prevent the damage, hopefully we can prevent the loss of life and the tragedies that come from these.
My heart felt prayers go out to everyone affected by this. I am glad to read your friends are all ok. Thanks for all the information. I will share this on my wall.
Jim, I had not heard about this. How devastating!
I will keep all in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing.
My hearts go out to the residents of Christchurch. Kudos to you for developing such a great list of resources so people know how to help.
Thanks everyone. I've been speaking with friends and family in Christchurch. They describe being in shock, tearful, cleaning out mud from liquefaction, out of their wrecked houses but without water, having to live in the mess. Huge cracks in the ground you can't see the bottom of. And pets that have disappeared.
I need to edit in the RNZSPCA who you can also donate to.
Many other families will be dealing with the loss of a loved one also. And that would be the hardest trial to bear.
jim my prayers and heart go out to you and all of christchurch, i have donate all the i can to the red cross, hope it will help. god bless you and your family
Heartfelt prayers to everybody there Jim. I am so sorry to read this...
My prayers are with everyone involved!
My prayers to all out there, it's so sad and tragic. God bless all.
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