To RSVP please leave your attendance/ non- attendance note in the comments of this post. Don't be shy, but come along, post your comment telling me you'll be attending. You can then trot along here anytime from Sunday onwards, take a seat, I'll pour you a great cup of percolated coffee, and then I will entertain you.
Yes, there will be entertainment posted on this blog post on Sunday. I'm not going to tell you what it is yet, but I have been working on it for some few weeks, brewing it, letting it simmer, boiling it again, getting it to the peak of its perfection. And on Sunday I will bring it forth and you will be entertained.
All you have to do now, is register your attendance/non-attendance by posting yes/no in the comments at the end of this post, and swing by anytime again after Sunday. Don't let me down please. I'm trying out something new here by asking you to comment first, then I'll post up the entertainment.
How's that just for fun. But coffee will be served, your imagination will be titillated ( how I love that word ) and I will reveal my latest.
So place your comments now please.

yes but you'd have to specify a time me thinks with so many time-zones hehe
Cheers A
YES :)
Yes! I'll be here tumbling over...:)
What, tripping over that pole Jorie? Wait til I tel Alejandro.
You have piqued my curiosity! Yes!!!
Yes........for me that would be Asian time zone...Is that okay?
I'll be there. No idea what the time difference is, but I'll just try whenever it is Sunday in Turkey.
Absolutely! Sounds intriguing :) Does it matter what time we come? Can we just hop in at anytime?
definitely YES JIM....i will be here on sunday..! ready to savour your coffee ♥
Hope the entertainment is not a striptease by your highness, Sir Jim.
Count me in (even if the entertainment is striptease).
Joy always,
I will be here :) Thanks for the invite can't wait!
I agree with Alejandro, your Sunday may be someone else's Saturday or Monday! I'll swing by after Sunday though.
Pop in anytime after It becomes Sunday on this side of the world- give me time to get out of bed and post up the entertainment though. I have been brewing something specialto go with your coffee.
I'm in! But can you make mine a Frappacino? Yes I know, hardly the manly man way to drink coffee but I just never developed the taste...( I'll actually be here either way, I don't really expect you to track down all those syrups and stuff...:))
This sounds like fun - so what time you getting out of bed? Will it be ready at 6am? (Just kidding - I like to lie in on Sundays)
We'll try and oblige, Paul. Just pop in and let your imagination take over and anything will be possible.
Coffee???? I'm in!
sure will!! one lunp and little cream please
I'll be there! I'd like some of that Ethiopian coffee that you wrote about - OK?
Sure, Jim, I'll stop by. It's all so mysterioso
Arm chair travelers are included aren't we? Count me in, I'll even bring my own cup since you're providing entertainment!!
Jim, My link for the coffee party.
The only thing to stop me will be the failure of the dodgy internet connection I've got here on the road! SO ... hope 2 c u 2morrow!
2X Grande Mocha's with one sugar and some banana bread straight out of the oven and a little warm.
P.S...Do not talk to Craig until the sun has risen, he is a grump bum and takes an hour or two to wake up, lol...
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