Magnificent Monday is to kick the week off on a high note. Paste a link in the box below to your post and let's share our highlights of travel or life's great moments. We want to read encouraging stories, or enjoy just a simple photo and explanation of something that gave you a buzz, and in turn we'll all share that high during the week!
We may have a changing theme every week. I'll post a suggestion here at the end of my current entry for the following week to give you all time to be creative. Or leave a suggestion for an upcoming theme in a comment.
Make your post as long or as short as you like -even just a picture. This is about joining together to share a good experience on your travels, or that vignette in your life that brought you joy.
1. Paste the link to your post, and your name in the box below.
2. And leave a comment please, we really want to know you are enjoying this!
3. And to help your post's readers find every one's articles easily, paste the url to this week's post into a link in your article, with a sentence something like this -
"I'm sharing my Magnificent Monday post here (MM Link goes here) . Pop in, join in or just follow the links to other great stories and pics!"
4. Visit as many posts over the week and leave a comment.
Let's build our readership by encouraging others to read and follow our blogs. Take the time to comment on, and tweet, stumble, digg or Facebook everyone's posts: you'll reap dividends in return love!
To start this week off I am posting this magnificent display of elephants.
That's the theme- The Cycle of Life.
Taken on Chobe River front, Chobe National Park, Botswana.
A very tender composition; to me this reflects caring, and family concern. A mother looking after her baby, teaching it how to survive in the world, keeping it safe, and passing on wisdom and knowledge to ensure a following generation. The joy of these wonderful huge creatures so close gives me a high everytime I see photos like this.
Link your articles interpreting celebrating the cycle of life - mother and child, perhaps an historical building next to a modern one, old car and recent model, flower in full bloom next to a seed pod, etc etc. The contrast between old and new, or rebirth of another generation is what we're looking for.
Next week's theme: I Love....
...Paris in the Springtime, walking through a colorful garden, touring a new country, visiting old cathedrals, castles, coffee in a local cafe, pet dog, your mother or partner....What do you Love?

Jim, like this idea. I shared a bit of a different post that hopefully fits your theme. I wrote about my experience with Scottish Games professional athletes (who knew they existed right?). However, this isn't a story about sports but a refreshing look at what it means to be an athlete and how I spent my day with them.
Great idea Jim! Maybe I will join you next week as I have too much on my plate this week :( What a beautiful photo!
I love this idea. the one I posted or will post is deeper than the words may say, for me the picture says it all. Trust. The way it should be. Hope it is appropriate. <3 Jan
Okay I tried to do this, I'm sure I did it wrong, please help, I am illiterate when it comes to the blog, posts, links ect. I try but can never remember what or how to do things. Thanks Jim.
Wow, very interesting posts being linked up here. Jeremy is writing up Scottish games heritage in North America. I found that very well written an I loved it.
JIM has mama grizzlie and cubs in excellent pictures.
And Jan has a very tender moment I found very appropriate.
I just love your photo and comments about the loving mama elephant taking care of her baby. Perfect for your theme!
I love the photo, Jim. It's amazing how a picture of such a huge animal shows so much tenderness.
I like your idea for the weekly blog links. I added a link to an early post of mine concerning my daughter.
Great idea Jim. I am publishing something on Wednesday that fits your theme.... I'll add the link then :)
Hi Jim
Great idea.. thanks for the opportunity for me to share about my passions.. Paris of the East.. aah, imagine strolling through a tree lined boulevard.. discover the hidden charms of Pho.. enjoy a very fresh baguette for lunch with a very authentic Vietnamese is good! I've linked my blog..
Vietnam - Hidden Riches: Top 10 Highlights to Experience in Vietnam.... - enjoy my Vietnam.. in total style high end travel.
That picture took my breath away! I just adore elephants! I am definitely going to try and participate in next week's MM - I love... Thank you for this wonderful opportunity Jim!
My wise friend beeped me late last night asking for photos (and we'll soon find out when he posts it :)
I was actually taken by surprise that you've posted my fave image of tenderness on your blog page... then I saw my friend's name listed there... now I know :P...
My little niece went home and we haven't reviewed her comments yet but she'll be happy to see the baby elephant there...
I love the I decided to join in... this is fun and at the same time allows for reflection...
Thanks Jim ;)
nice idea Jim I'm sure it will be a hit!
Cheers A
Great idea Jim,I really don't have the time right now...I loved the pictures,will come come back to see for sure..
Would love to join but a bit caught up this week. Will try to join in, in the future! Looking forward to everyone's posts!
Great idea :)
Great idea Jim hope you get many people participating.
I stumbled and then tweeted surprised I didn't hurt myself!!!
Great idea! I've posted a photo of a mother macaque looking after her young. Cheers, Keith
I love the picture of the elephants! I hope you don't mind but I had to stretch a bit on the theme as I only just discovered Magnificent Monday. Thanks for hosting.
Works best if we all support each other by sharing FB,Stumble, digg or twitter.
And please everone, add a reference in your blog post about Magnificent Monday with a link back here. Easy for everyone to get around then.Thanks.
Awwww, I love your photo!!! I added my post but forgot to add a link on my blog. I'm going to see if I can fix that :D
Jim, that photo of mother elephant caring for her baby is magnificent. I didn’t know about your theme here, but I happened to post my own maternal story today. A healing moment is mine.
I’ll sure to tweet this post. Hope you’ll tweet my story too.
What a great idea. I am in!
Thanks for adding my name/blog contact to your site Jim.. much appreciated..
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