Plenty of uh yuck experiences on the road. Try Cambodia for that perfect uh yuck event!
Travellers will have come across street vendors selling all sorts of food. Everything and anything is for sale. On the bus ride from Phnom Pehn to Siem Reap we were feeling hungry and welcomed a halfway stop. A chance to stretch our legs, grab a drink and a bite to eat....until we saw these-
Guess what these are?
Deep fried spiders!
Uh yuck!
Yep, spiders of the big tarantula kind about the size of a small human palm. It's not certain when the practice of eating fried spiders started: some would say during the intense starvation years of the Pol Pot era, which would be quite likely.
Not sure why they would want to continue though.
We also came across these at the same village. Deep fried locusts. Uh Yuck!
And then we saw these! Couldn't figure out what they were!
Uh Yuck!
Anyone know what they were?

beyond yuck.... I wouldn't a clue what to say those are. What every they are I wouldn't touch them if I were using AJ's hand. skive
OMG! Okay...I am really supportive of other's cultures, but these are creatures I don't go close to when they are moving...I certainly would not eat them!! Yuk!
And for the last picture? I don't even want to type what my guess was ;)
And my fiends think I'm crazy for eating baby octopus lol. You wonder if this is something they just sell to tourist and laugh their *** off later. lol
Anything fried tastes like KFC chicken. The last thing there was deep fried eels...
Not a clue actaully
As much as I wanted to appreciate all kinds of food available for me to savor, these bugs and whatever stuff was that in that third picture just made me feel like throwing up Jim. Yucks!!!
I'm sure you saved the 'best' for last....What is it?
Deep fried spiders? Ewww.
Yuck !! Ewwwwies !! Icky!! Bleh even!! And errrm I am gonna say the same thing as Mary said regarding that last picture...
i have had fried grasshoppers, rattle snake and desert iguana. well they taste like chicken lol however i don't want any . maybe a blind fold and hold my nose maybe not. good post god bless
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