I'm weighing in today with my favourite pictures taken in Kruger National Park, South Africa in 2009, of a Hornbill, a Southern Ground Hornbill.
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Tourists flock to Kruger Park, and the "Big Five" are the must see attractions, and some will be disappointed if they cannot tick them all off- lion, elephant, leopard, rhino and cape buffalo. But there is so much more to see and it's not all big animals either.
Our stage performance by Horny Bill was the delight of our 2 days exploring the southern area of the huge reserve.
I'm weighing in today with my favourite pictures taken in Kruger National Park, South Africa in 2009, of a Hornbill, a Southern Ground Hornbill.
Click on eack pic to bring them up full size. Then use your browsers 'Back' button to return.
We were driving along slowly game watching, when a pair of turkey sized birds walked out of the brush. The male resplendent in his black plumage and brilliant red face and wattle contrasted sharply against the more drab female.
Russell, our driver and owner of Green Bushpig Safari Co. stopped so we could take photos. That was a cue for our bird to become star performer for our benefit. I think he knew how grand he looked. Perhaps he'd stopped so many tourists in their vehicles before, because what followed next was our own impromptu performance with that hornbill grandstanding in front of us. Preening himself, presenting his sharp profile each side in turn, strutting back and forth, and then to finish his star showing, he walks right up to the car, and pecked my camera lens. I'm sure he was saying " Shows over. Pay up!"
Our stage performance by Horny Bill was the delight of our 2 days exploring the southern area of the huge reserve.

Well when you look like that you must just be expected to perform :)
Wow! What an interesting looking bird:)
Love him! What a beautiful bird. Thanks for sharing him with us, Jim.
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