We were heading towards Lake Tana, and the source of the Blue Nile, although its true source is a stream feeding into the lake's other side. We were also able to get to the Blue Nile Falls, where a tremendous flow of water cascades over the escarpment. Heavy rains meant the water was brown with sediment, but still a powerful sight to behold.
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Oh wow! Fabulous! That butterfly is just a beauty.... perfect for my orchids... In fact, love both photos Jim....;) Thanks for sharing...:))
I love butterflies! They are so colourful and delicate. Thanks for sharing Jim and great photo.
Chaos Theory 101... When a butterfly flaps its wings there is a ?
Beautiful A
Beautiful picture! She looks like she's about to take flight any moment...good shot!
Very pretty shots, Jim. It's almost like the butterfly was posing for you :)
Hi Jorie, thought you might love the butterfly photo. I' have a heap of them but none as good as that. So hard to get a good shot of them.
Hi Nelieta, yes they do have a delicate touch. Ain't Nature grand?!
Hi AG, I guess with Chaos theory, if we killed off all butterflies, there'd be no earthquakes and tsunamis on the other side of the world.
Morning Jessica, and Michael, yes it did pose, I asked it nicely to and it laid its wings out for a second just for me. It's amazing how when you get a reasonable camera, that you can capture the most simple shots that are in themselves quite stunning.
I totally relate to you on the photographing butterflies thing! Can't tell you how many times I've gotten frustrated at my inability to get the perfect shot of some beauty that fluttered away just before I clicked the shutter. Good job on this one!
Great job getting a pic with the wings outstretched. What a beautiful little creature.
Lovely shots Jim! I love butterflies and they can be so difficult to capture with a camera!
Thanks for posting to Travel Photo Thursday.
Love your photo's Nancie
Neat catch. It looks like a huge one too.
Holler if you'd like a link to, who I call, The Butterfly Lady, she wrote an article on techniques for capturing these rascals with the lens.
The Blue Nile Falls don't look too enticing with all that brown water. Good shot of the butterfly - it's amazing you were able to get it in focus before it took off again.
Great pictures and write up. Was the Blue Nile in flood? Or does it generally have a lot of water flowing over it?
Jim, you see so many amazing things in your travel. I do believe you snapped a beauty when you were able to shoot a butterfly with it's wings out-stretched! What a challenge that was:)
Beautiful shot and yeah they are hard to get them at rest with the wings completely spread. Love the photos.
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