E was supposed to be for elephants, because they are my passion.
But it's not- because the excuse is, I have all these excuses why I haven't been up to speed with this challenge.
Excuses, excuses, excuses are all I have to offer today for the A- Z Challenge. Yup! Excuses. You'll probably get a few more before this challenge is finished, but then that's life after all. Shit happens, plans go awry or the best intentions get derailed and we have to adjust and move on. I'm moving on.
But here's what happened-
The B Excuse - B was supposed to be for Boats...or Boys in Boats. But the half day fishing trip, that my son shouted us both on as a Christmas present, turned out to be a 14 hour day! Now I'm not going to moan about that...it was an awesome but long and tiring day out on a charter boat fishing in Cook Strait. Very windy with 3- 5 metre swells rocking that boat all day. Amazing I was not seasick. But no way could I even think about blogging on a computer when I finally got home: I was showered and off to bed!
Besides, the world wouldn't stop rolling around.
The C Excuse - C was to have been about Catch up. But ( there's a lot of buts in this blog) my plans to catch up went awry also.
Here's the list of excuses-
My mates came around because my wife was away for the weekend and the barbeque we had went on forever and all the food and wine was just sooo good and the computer screen was looking all wobbly and the keyboard jumped all over the place so no blogging until my good wife came back and then I couldn't welcome her back and jump back onto a perfectly unmoving computer straight away and ignore her after we'd missed each other so much could I?
I'd have been killed!
But there'd be no blogging for the challenge at all then, would there?
Good thing tomorrow is D Day! Yeah, I know I missed that excuse out from the list above, but that's because....

After excuses comes results, i read that somewhere. atleast now you can stop making excuses and bring results
Jim you are full of excuses! You have some real catching up to do. Now get back to work!
Jim, you'll be alright:) D is another day!
I still don't get the A - Z Blogging Challenge but if there is I would be very interested to join in Jim..... I know in this post you've been mumbling about loads of excuses but geez, get up and running and start blogging which you actually just did.... hehehe
tsk tsk ..excuses....get on with it mate...As always...XOXOXOXO
You have made an amazing result here, you've written what you consider excuses but that picture of that wonderful Elelphant has given me wonderful pleasure.......see you with the "F" word.#
Anyone notice I got D and E out of kilter!
Well, that happened because of.......
Full of excuses..but good ones! So that's what our men do when we are away? Have barbecues and too much wine? lol
Well Jim it is A - Z but who said they had to be in order :~)
D- Day today so we'll find out where D disappeared to.
Yes Jessica, when one of our wives are away we men arrange a get together. We have a theme for the night, we each cook a course,Italian, Thai, Bavarian whatever we decide, have a beautiful dinner together, tell jokes, have music to match the theme and just have a great boy's time together. Then one of the wives comes and picks up the other guys and dutifully delivers each of them home. (as they should...)
Would you believe it?
HAHA!!! Ok I thought I was TOTALLY outta whack with my posts!! I was thinking WAIT ... no WAIT even roy had "d" today!! how could we be on "e" already? Then I was thinking ok that's right Jim adores the Elephants so ... he Dumped "d" and went straight for "E"... then I read more and was like no ... wait is he really throwing in the "excuse" word!! and not once but many times.... No excuses Jim!! hmm "f" for "FISHIES" ?? You are caught up but ... errrm behind too! :P Great post Jim loved it!!
hmmm, did I hear a little cheese with the wine??? ;-) glad you're back!
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