We were driving through KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, and these 3 women were stopped beside the road to let us pass. We stopped and asked if we could take photos of them, so for a 10 rand we were able to snap away while they posed. A great conversation was going on in Zulu to the effect that instead of going out and doing the hard work of collecting firewood each day for the family fires, they should just stand beside the road with a load of wood on their head, and take money off all the dumb tourists for their photos!
Little did they know our Africaan driver could understand a little Zulu.
This photo was taken at extreme optical zoom on my Canon SX10IS , at 25times optical. As they moved off from our impromptu photo shoot, they were walking away, and I continued snapping shots, and this is the very last pic taken. Just so perfectly spaced, the firewood at the best angles for each, the machete still prominent. Late in the afternoon, the light is still excellent making the colours of the dry grass veld come alive.
Oops it was second to last. Here's the very last one-
On budgettravelerssandbox.com Nancie has a photo of dancers at the Andong International Maskdance Festival, Korea. A great photo so take a peek at her Travel Photo Thursday.

A brilliant photo! the thing is there are so many countries where the woman is the true provider.
Cheers A
No matter the strong heat and hard work these women seem to reflect dignity and confidence
Really love the next to last one. Many stop shooting thinking they have the shot, you didn't and got a great shot. Nice work
This picture only proves that women can stand the test of time... Ahahahaaha! Cheers Jim! :)
When I cycled through Africa I would always see the men walking the roads empty handed and the women carrying kids plus stuff on their heads. It brings back those memories.
Extraordinary job, as usual, dear Jim. Awesome blog (site). About Africa those women they are really strong struggling against poverty and misery, corruption. Thank you for sharing, and glad to land here and smile for you, and your readers. God bless you. Your Brazilian's blogger and friend, Carlos.
So true JIM, and this photo is a far better shot than the posed pictures we paid for.
AJ,Yogasavy,Jorie and Leigh, so true that women do all the hard work there.
Hi again Carlos.
This phot is a favourite of mine, as it seems to say so much but has a beautiful simplicity about it at the same time. Sums up Africa for me, anyway.
Excellent photos, Jim. What strong women they are. Very interesting conversation you were able to pick up, too!
Beautiful photos Jim! My husband was amazed to see the women carry so many things on their heads. I cannot believe how dry it is! Normally KZN is always green!
Great shots, Jim. Staying in a Zulu village in KZN is one of my favorite memories of my time in South Africa. I jammed with a Zulu musician by a campfire in the middle of nowhere, singing harmonies with him in his native language. It was a magical moment, but unfortunately my video camera died before I could get it on tape, and they had no electricity...
Fantastic shot Jim!
I think the amount of work women do in many developing or third world countries far outreaches the men. In my travels around South East Asia I am always amazed at how hard the women work.
Thanks for joining TPThursday!
Great photos Jim! It's interesting to see the work women do in other countries. Seeing photos like this helps us understand that not all cultures are men dominated and that women have their place, work hard, and can be just as respected as men.
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